Monday, May 25, 2009

What its All About!

This is how I spend my time right now. Art, quilting and other things are put in second place when it comes to my family, especially the grandbabies. We are all about ball season this year. Will is playing games during the week, but has not had but one tournament this year. The boys are so much fun to watch, especially when they are 5 and 6 years old. He is really developing into quite the player.
Gianni has been playing for a year and a half now and loves the game. Her daddy, Jack is one of the couches. This Saturday we went to a local town, Cabot, for an Invitational National 8U Softball Tournament. We played 3 other teams in our "C" class. The wonderful thing we played 5 games and never lost a game. We won the big trophy!!! I believe the picture says it all. As my friend Pat says, "moments".


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

O yes, enjoy these years because they pass quickly.

My grandkids went from little league (a few years) to football. The oldest was a star last year, but growing to 6' at 14 years old and not gaining a pound and being a loping runner...he's lost interest and turned to BMX. The young one starts football in JR HI next year.. Let the fun begin again!!

Pat said...

Brenda, That Giani is something else! She will never forget winning that trophy and neither will you...yes...just one of the wonderful "moments" you and she have and right, too, in saying "this is what it's all about!." Take care, loveya, Pat