My name is Brenda and I am 60 years old. My titles are wife to Bill, mother to Tonya and Bobby, mother-in-law to Jack and Megan and Mawmaw to Gianni and Will. My love has always been quilting, but lately I have wanted to experiment and have a journey of (I won't say artistic) exploring the world of mixed media. This will be my journey to share with others who might be afraid to take that first step. You are never too old and it is never too late to have fun.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
AWOL - Arkansas Women on the Loose
Monday, March 23, 2009
AWOL Update - Monday
The first picture is a building called Cabe Hall, which is where Iwill be next week for a 4day retreat with the Saline County Guild "Quiltmania" retreat. That will be a story for another day.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Quick Post of Fun
This will be a fast post, if I don't get too wordy. Yesterday was our Thursday meeting of the Beaders group. For you that don't know we have been meeting one time a month since 9/11. The picture on the right is of Pat Eaton ( who is a very dear friend and one of the nicest ladies you could ever know. Our friend Jim Gatling (unbeknownst to Pat) sent us a paper doll that he had photo shopped her head onto. He wanted us to surprise her with a paperdoll since that is what our next Art Day is about. The doll on the left is the one I did and the one on the right is the one that Jean did. Pat thought they were hilarious.
Now the other picture is the print and the items that were sent by another very nice lady Sharon K. Tomlinson ( . Pat got me hooked on Sharon's art, which was not hard once I saw it. Sharon made an offer to the 1st six who ordered a print from her the other day, that she would send a few extra treasures. Boy did she deliver!!! I received this awesome package yesterday. Thank you Sharon. My print is "Sometimes Creative", which is so appropriate for me. My creativity comes in spurts and sometimes sputters, but it does try to keep going. I let life come first and creativity second - need to work on that one.
Well I am off (yes mentally too) for a weekend retreat called "AWOL - Arkansas Women on the Loose" = Jim. Jim is our resident male quilter and we so enjoy having him - he is also a dear friend. We go to a place called Ferndale, outside of Little Rock. It is a beautiful retreat site and I will try to take some pictures to show when I come back.
Okay so much for the quick, but it is all fun. Next time.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Our March Art Day
In March we decided to work on inchies. Everyone chose how they wanted to make inchies. Paper, fabric, painting, etc.
Above from left to right are Sandy's finished inchies from paper, paint and collage pictures. Next are the pink ones that Bibi did from cloth. MaryLou did the last set. She was practicing her embroidery skills on her sewing machine and cut the piece into inchies. A very dramatic effect, and I believe she has skills. Everyone's turned out different and reflected the various
taste of the group.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Flea Market Business
Well everyone have "fun" today and I hope to write again sooner more than later.